
Fat storing,fat burning it’s a hormonal event!

July 23, 2013

Fat loss is a hormonal event, Growth Hormone and Glucgon  play a major role in fat loss.  It is also important to note that there are fat storing hormones. The body uses these hormones through many different stimuli like food, drink, exercise, stress and sleep.

Insulin is a fat storing hormone and can be raised by sugar intake, while glucagon and Growth Hormone are fat burning hormones and can be raised by intense exercise. If insulin is high, the other hormones go down. Another hormone called cortisol (stress hormone) is a muscle breakdown hormone and is also a fat storing hormone. When you enhance the fat storing hormones, the fat burning hormones turn off.

“Everything You Eat Or Drink Counts! You are what you eat but I don’t remember eating any sexy beasts lately?”

Why is sugar bad but it tastes so good?

Sugar is quickly absorbed into the blood which causes a spike in your blood sugar in turn releasing insulin into the body to take care of it. Every time you put sugar into your mouth you tell your body let’s store some fat.  Remember when insulin is high, glucagon and GH are low.

The body’s Fat cells are your emergency storage tanks. These cells store everything including prescription drugs, pesticides and toxic processed foods leading to lifestyle induced diseases.

“It is more important to know what and when to eat food rather than counting calories.”

Working out is a stress reliever which drops cortisol levels but conversely, over training or too much stress raises them.

Keep strength training under 45mins and interval training under 25-30 min  (increase the intensity, not the duration). Anything longer will just start using muscle as fuel.

Less stress = lower cortisol levels which aid in fat loss.

Exercise with intensity, while weight training or doing cardio shorten the rest periods and increase activity. Short burst of anaerobic intense exercise will signal the body to release growth hormone  (fat burning hormone).

Think intensity = growth hormone release.

Weight training will reduce your insulin resistance (which is one of the biggest reasons for obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, accelerated aging and more!)

Weight training = reduced insulin resistance.

Bringing these rules together will give you a  lean and healthy body. Your choices everyday matter.  Ask yourself the next time you reach for something to eat “is this fat storing or fat burning”?

Master these steps, and you will see tremendous changes. While exercising  don’t worry about how many calories you burn make sure the intensity is at optimal levels.

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