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  Predominantly used as short term fuel, like gas in a car, carbohydrates are broken down much faster than fat or protein, and provide energy to our body faster. Carbos are converted by the body into fuel, that is then stored in our muscles and available for use immediately. When working out we use up much of our stored energy. Protein is over 50% of your body’s dry weight. The structure of your genes, your brain cells, the hemoglobin that carries the oxygen in your blood, is totally protein. The body you have today is built almost entirely from protein, so if your choice of protein quality is low then the structure of your body’s muscles, blood, bones, teeth will be poor. Another reason why nutrition is a very large part of your wellness. Your body can create many of the proteins it needs from carbohydrates, but there are nine essential ones that it needs to get from the diet. First off, not all fat is bad. There are different types of fat; unsaturated, saturated, good, bad etc. The foods we eat that are high in saturated fats, are easely stored as cellulite since there is very little energy used (calories burned) in storing it. But when we eat carbohydrates or protein, you burn calories just in the process of breaking it down into a fuel source. Unsaturated fats are more readily converted for fuel, thus not as easily stored as fat like the saturated fats are. The more conditioned a person is, the more fat they are able to use for fuel or burn.
Helping individuals of all ages
 A lack of stretching can cause the sacomeres at the end of the muscle fiber to disappear

The food you eat each day is made up of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats we need some of each for our body and brain to function. Protein is our source for building muscle and tissue. protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The food you ingest satisfies 3 fundamental needs for energy, tissue repair, and growth. There are minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats we need some of each for our body and brain to function. Protein is our source for building muscle and tissue. Carbohydrates are our body’s main source of immediate energy. The minerals and nutrients that we get from our food are what allow all the systems to work together. Fat is very important to our diet for many functions. Fat is important to our eyes, ears, adrenal glands, and sex organs. About 3% of your total body fat is what insulates and cushions your vital organs.

Water is one of the most important nutritional aids for sports performance. Yet is frequently over looked, water lubricates and cushions the joints, provides fluid for the blood and body cells, and helps keep the body cool. Water is the bodys' ”radiator fluid”, conducting heat from deeper body tissues to the skin for dissipation. If your fluid in take is low, water is then taken from the bloodstream in order to supply the perspiration necessary for cooling. The consequence for this movement out of the bloodstream creates a thicker, more viscous blood flow and elevates the heart rate also increasing the turbulence in the small blood vessels. This process can bring up the issue of heart disease. A person who is exercising needs to drink at least 8 glasses a day and always avoiding thirst. Once you have hit the thirsty zone you are very dehydrated. The need for water consumption is particularly important for the older athlete since the ability to sense thirst declines with age. It’s the decline in the taste bud function and other mechanisms appear related to aging.

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