
Never give up you can do it!

May 27, 2012

The day my Life Changed

Bang!!!!! 3 car pile up rear ended and I get hit in the head with my car stereo as it flies from the dashboard, my world as I knew it goes black.

In early 2000 it is safe to say things drastically changed in my life. I was involved in a major 3 car pile up on the highway that left me with a serious concussion as well as memory loss, 3 herniated disc’s in my cervical spine and excruciating pain 24 hours a day for the next 2 years. Until this point in my life I never really believed that life could put me down this far. All I had to look forward to was depression and a life spiralling out of control. People and doctors were telling me that I was seriously injured and I would never do or accomplish anything physical again.

I chose not to believe them. No one holds power over you except you.

I started small working with my memory issue’s through rehab and slowly opening my window of tolerance in hopes of returning to a normal life. I guess you could say I was mentally and physically out of commission. I could not even go to the mall without a panic attack and high levels of anxiety.

By the year of 2003 I was able to work out and think clearly again thanks to a very understanding family and pure force of will to change my situation. My doctor straight up told me that I would never be able to lift weights like I used to ever again. Hearing those words was fuel enough for me to prove them wrong.

I began training with a new mind set and with a different set of limitations to keep me safe. Once I figured out how to achieve the results I was looking for without killing myself in the process, the thoughts of competition slowly started to enter my mind once again.

Workouts started slowly but gained in intensity as I developed a system of working smarter and harder. My old body building ways were remodelled and transformed into the beginnings of the “Lean for Life” systems.

Thank god for muscle memory and determination.

By 2006 I announced I was coming out of retirement and back to the stage for a second competitive career. This time I was going to do everything on my terms and look the way I wanted without going outside my comfort zone.

I was so excited about the sparkle suit’s and heels I began pushing my new limited body carefully to it’s tolerance levels daily, weekly and monthly. Getting back on stage was like seeing an old friend that I used to know and I immediately felt at home once again.

I finally got back to a steady state and I felt I had arrived as I stepped on stage for my first amateur show in 2007 with all my family and friends watching. It was nail biting but I came through intact.

As this story has a happy ending I acknowledge that not everyone has the same advantages but everyone who chooses to change their attitude will gain altitude. Never give up and always believe that your body and mind can over come whatever adversity you put your mind into.

Some of my Recent awards :

2010 Natural Universe INBA 2 nd Ms Classic Figure

2009 Flex Appeal International Over All best -Figure

2009 Figure America master 6 th place

2008 INBA Natural Olympia Ms Figure master 3 rd

2008 Canadian sports model of the year over 35

2008 Flex Appeal International Diva master 1 st

2008 Flex Appeal International sports model 1 st

2007 Natural Olympia INBA Ms Physique 3 rd

2007 Ivkar cup Ms Physique open 2 nd

2007 Ivkar cup Master Physique 1 st

Everyone wants to be on top of the mountain, but all the growth occurs while climbing it.

If you have a dream you must believe in yourself fully owning the image in your mind. Don’t be afraid to try, all of us had to start and make the decision to keep going. The journey was the most memorable and gave me all the riches of knowledge to impart my teachings of mind and body.

I thank all those who have told me I couldn’t, shouldn’t or wouldn’t and invite them to fuel my fire. I hope you are inspired and want to ignite your own fire, one that helps you reach your goals.

Move towards your goals confidently and boldly putting one foot in front of the other and before you know it you will be on an incredible journey. Today I am the owner of Muscle Lines personal training, a private studio where I teach my “Lean for Life” programs. I live with my husband, my # 1 fan and my two dachshunds (Weens and Beans they like me too).

Whether you are a World Champion or looking to stay healthy and “Lean for Life” the 5 components of my teachings are instrumental in reaching your body transformation goals and maintaining them for life. The tools I have acquired over 2 decades allow me to provide you with the best possible results. The 5 key components will help you to understand your body and exercise goals in a exciting new way.

If you take charge today and learn to apply the “Lean for Life” rules I promise you will never have to start over again.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”

“Lean for Life” book is here now!

May 6, 2012

I am proud to say I have completed my very first book, called “Lean for Life”. It details my philosophy on fitness and the 4 key components for a healthy lifestyle. My reason for writing the book was to help people understand the basics and get on the right path for life.

My philosophy is easy to follow with no calorie counting, I believe it’s more important what types of food your eating and how your body metabolizes the foods. The book will help you to understand the key components of exercise and healthy nutrition in a new fresh way.

If you are interested in purchasing my book the cost is 39.00 plus HST. Contact is [email protected] to order.

With Muscle Lines, I learned to be more efficient with my workouts. I got better results in less time.
Valerie M, Victoria BC
Sandra Froher

Muscle Lines Clothing

Muscle Lines cotton tank tops for men & women sizes from sm., med., lrg., to XL are available through direct purchase. Coming soon: jackets, shorts in many colors, fits, & sizes according to availablility. Find out how you can save by being a Gold member. Ask Sandra how!!!