
Award winning legs !!

February 23, 2011


Spring & summer is fast approaching imagine if you could have the legs you have always wanted.

I am going to take you through a tough leg program that I know hit’s every leg muscle you own.

WARNING : this program is not for the weak.

Doing a warm up is required to get the synovial fluids in the joints moving and also to bring up your body’s temperature for more intense things to follow. 5 minutes on the stair stepper should do it.

If my legs are tight I make sure I stretch lightly to release the tightness before I begin.

Here we go !

STEP UP REVERVE LUNGE 4 set’s 15 lbs reps 10-12

SMITH MACHINE SQUATS narrow stance 3-4 sets 12-15

LEG PRESS narrow & wide 3-4 sets 10-12 reps

TRX SQUATS ONE LEGGED 3 sets 10 per side then jump squat wide for 10

FORWARD LUNGE WITH HIGH KICK super set with: 3 sets each 15 reps

GLUTE PUSH UP on exercise ball

STIFF LEGGED DEADLIFT 3 sets 10-12 reps

SEATED CALVE RAISE 3 sets 15-20 reps

STRETCH for 10 mins legs only

Try to contract & understand the muscles you are working so you can visualize them while working out. Resting between sets should be minimal as you want to keep the muscles under high stress.

This work out is for intermediate or advanced trainers. Enjoy the burn , this is what it takes to have championship legs.

Cuckoo for Coconut !!! Why all the talk about Coconut oil.

February 5, 2011


There is a lot of talk about coconut oil these days, I would like to help you understand it’s benefit’s and why you may want to have coconut oil handy in your “Lean for Life” kitchen.

High quality raw coconut oil is unique, it’s also a healthy saturated fat because it boasts a spectrum of

nine different fatty acids-the majority being MCT(medium chain triglycerides).

MTC are a burning fat, not a storing fat. When these fats are metabolized in the body , they bring some of the stored fat out along with them. When we eat the right fat’s it truly helps to burn the unwanted fat.

The confusion to weather or not coconut oil is helpful was due largely that some of the health professionals were taught to focus on the caloric values of saturated fats & never understood the nutritional values and health benefit’s of medium chain triglycerides (saturated fat in the coconut oil).

The health professionals also where thought to believe it is a really bad fat because of the high levels of lauric acid, which they misunderstood to aid in raising cholesterol levels and clogging up arteries. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Components of Coconut Oil

A healthy diet contains mixtures of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Human

breast milk contains about 45 to 50 % saturated fat, about 35% unsaturated and 15-20%

polyunsaturated. Lauric acid and capric acid comprise about 20% of total saturated fatty acids

found in breast milk. The high content of lauric acid in breast milk protects infants from invading

viruses and bacteria and supports the immune system.

What coconut oil does not do :

Coconut oil does NOT clog arteries

Does not raise cholesterol levels

Does not raise triglyceride levels

Does not cause obesity    

Does not cause heart disease

Does not contain trans fatty acids

Does not contain hydrogenated oil

Coconut oil is very useful in reducing weight. It contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive weight. How? It is easy to digest and helps in healthy functioning of the thyroid & enzymes systems. It increases the body’s metabolism by removing stress on pancreases, thereby burning out more energy and helping obese and overweight people reduce their weight.

The ability of some of the medium chain saturated fatty acids to inhibit the liver’s formation of fat very likely synergizes with the pro-thyroid effect, in allowing energy to be used, rather than stored.  When fat isn’t formed from carbohydrate, the sugar is available for use, or for storage as glycogen.

Therefore, shifting from unsaturated fats in foods to coconut oil involves several anti-stress processes, reducing our need for the adrenal hormones.  Decreased blood sugar is a basic signal for the release of adrenal hormones.

Unsaturated oil tends to lower the blood sugar in at least three basic ways.  It damages mitochondria, causing respiration to be uncoupled from energy production, meaning that fuel is burned without useful effect.  It suppresses the activity of the respiratory enzyme (directly, ‘and through its anti-thyroid actions), decreasing the respiratory production of energy.  And it tends to direct carbohydrate into fat production, making both stress and obesity more probable. MCTs are more directly sent to the liver, where they are quickly burned.

The highest quality when shopping for coconut oil is Cold pressed virgin oil, this is produced with in one hour of opening a nut.

Coconut oil has been know to keep at room temperature for over 2 years.

When adding Coconut oil to you “Lean for Life” daily nutrition I suggest you replace some of your other oils used with coconut oil. It has been recommended that 3-4 tbsp daily will be of assistance for excellent health & weight loss.

Remember good fat’s help burn bad fat’s.

Training with Sandra is amazing! In 8 weeks I shed nearly 20lbs and built a bunch of muscle.
Paul Dowd
Sandra Froher

Muscle Lines Clothing

Muscle Lines cotton tank tops for men & women sizes from sm., med., lrg., to XL are available through direct purchase. Coming soon: jackets, shorts in many colors, fits, & sizes according to availablility. Find out how you can save by being a Gold member. Ask Sandra how!!!